
Refereed papers in Scientific Journals

Reingewirtz, Y., Hasin, D., van Hout, R., 2024. Fiber-flow interaction in the near-field of a coaxial round jet. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluids.

Winiarska, E., Liberzon, D., van Hout, R., 2024. Flow field characteristics across a spanwise heterogeneous vegetative canopy model. Accepted for publication in Boundary Layer Meteorology.

Winiarska, E., Soffer, R., Klopfer, H., van Hout, R., Liberzon, D., 2023. The effects of spanwise canopy heterogeneity on the flow field and evaporation rates. Environ. Fluid Mech. 23, 1313-1339. DOI:

Mitra, A., Murugan, S., van Hout, R., Kleiman, A., Raizner, M., Cukurel, B., 2023. Near-field flow characteristics of a coaxial jet. Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow 103, 109186. DOI:

Rinsky, V., Shaik, S., van Hout, R., 2023. Leveraging optical activity in visualizing particle-laden flows. Experiments In Fluids 64:36. DOI:

Shaik, S. , van Hout, R., 2023. Kinematics of rigid fibers in a turbulent channel flow.  International Journal of MultiPhase Flows. DOI:

van Hout, R., Herskovitz, A., Elsinga, G.E., Westerweel, J., 2022. Combined 3D flow field measurements and motion tracking of freely moving spheres in a turbulent boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 944, A12. DOI:

Kovalev, D., Eshbal, L., van Hout, R., 2022. 3D flow field measurements in the wake of a tethered sphere crossing the onset of VIV. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 943, A37. DOI:

Thawko, A., van Hout, R., Yadav, H., Tartakovsky, L., 2021. Flow field characteristics of an underexpanded, round transient jet. Physics of Fluids 33, 085104.

van Hout, R., Murugan, S., Mitra, A., Cukurel, B., 2021. Coaxial Circular Jets – A Review. Fluids 6, 147. fluids6040147Fluids 2021 Best Paper Award

Hershcovich, C., van Hout, R., Rinsky, V., Laufer, M., and Y.J. Grobman, 2021. Thermal Performance of sculptured tiles for building envelopes. Building and Environment (In press), online:

Shaik, S., Kuperman, S., Rinsky, V., van Hout, R., 2020. Measurements of the dynamics of rigid, nylon fibers in a turbulent channel flow. Physical Review Fluids 5, 114309.

David, T., Eshbal, L., Rinsky, V., van Hout, R. 2020. Flow measurements in the near wake of a smooth and one mimicking a pine cone. Physical Review Fluids 5, 074301

Raizner, M., van Hout, R., 2020. Effect of impinging jet pulsation on primary and secondary vortex characteristics. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer 151.

Raizner, M., Rinsky, V., Grossman, G., van Hout, R., 2019. The effect of jet pulsation on the flow field of a round impinging jet and the radially expanding wall jet. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer 140, 606-619

Kuperman, S., Sabban, L., van Hout, R., 2019. Inertial effects on the dynamics of rigid, heavy fibers in isotropic turbulence. Physical Review Fluids 4, 06430.

Raizner, M., Rinsky, V., Grossman, G., van Hout, R., 2019. Heat transfer and flow field measurements of a pulsating jet impinging on a flat heated surface. Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow 77, 278-287.

Eshbal, L., Rinsky, V., David, T., Greenblatt, D., van Hout, R., 2019. Measurement of vortex shedding in the wake of a sphere at Re = 465. J. Fluid Mech. 870, 290-315.

Eshbal, L., Kovalev, D., Rinsky, V., Greenblatt, D., van Hout, R., 2019. Tomo-PIV measurements in the wake of a tethered sphere undergoing VIV. Journal of Fluids and Structures.

Amir, A., van Hout, R., 2019. A transient model for optimizing a hybrid, nocturnal sky radiation system. Renewable Energy132, 370-380.

Van Hout, R., Rinsky, V., Sasson, N., Hershcovich, Tshuva, M., C, Grobman, Y., 2018. Axisymmetric jet impingement on a dimpled surface: Effect of impingement location on flow field characteristics. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow, 74, 53-64.

Van Hout, R., Rinsky, V., Hershcovich, C, Grobman, Y., 2018. Outer layer characteristics of a radially expanding wall jet on smooth and dimpled surfaces. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow, 72, 304-316.

Van Hout, R., Rinsky, V., Grobman, Y., 2018. Experimental study of a round jet impinging on a flat surface: flow field and vortex characteristics in the wall jet. Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow 70, 41-58.

Van Hout, R., Eisma, J., Elsinga, G.E., Westerweel, J., 2018. Experimental study of the flow in the wake of a stationary sphere immersed in a turbulent boundary layer. Physical Review Fluids3, 024601,

Sabban, L., Cohen, A., van Hout, R., 2017. Temporally resolved measurements of heavy, rigid fibre translation and rotation in nearly homogeneous isotropic turbulence. J. Fluid Mech. 814, 42-68.

Jacobson, N., van Hout, R., 2016. Measurements of the flow in the near wake of a “rough”, semi permeable prolate spheroid at intermediate Reynolds numbers. Eur. J. of Mechanics/B Fluids 57, 159-175.

Rabencov, B., van Hout, R., 2015. Voronoi analysis of beads suspended in a turbulent square channel flow. International Journal of MultiPhase Flow 68, 10-13.

Rabencov, B., Arca, J., van Hout, R., 2014. Measurement of polystyrene beads suspended in a turbulent square channel flow: Spatial distributions of velocity and number density. International Journal of MultiPhase Flow 62, 110-122.

Krakovich, A., Eshbal, L., van Hout, R., 2013. Vortex dynamics and associated fluid forcing in the near wake of a light and heavy tethered sphere in uniform flow. Experiments in Fluids 54, 1615.

van Hout, R., Katz, A., Greenblatt, D., 2013. Time-resolved PIV measurements of vortex and shear layer dynamics in the near wake of a tethered sphere. Physics of Fluids 25, 077102;

van Hout, R, Sabban, L., Cohen, A., 2013. The use of high speed PIV and holographic cinematography in the study of fiber suspension flows. Acta Mechanica 224 (8),

van Hout, R., 2013. Spatially and temporally resolved measurements of bead resuspension and saltation in a turbulent channel flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 715, 389-423.

van Hout, R., Katz, A., Greenblatt, D., 2012. Acoustic control of vortex-induced vibrations of a tethered sphere. AIAA Journal 51, 754-757.

Eshbal, L., Krakovich, A., van Hout, R., 2012. Time resolved measurements of vortex-induced vibrations of a positively buoyant tethered sphere in uniform water flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures 35, 185-199.

Sabban, L., Jacobson, N., van Hout, R., 2012. Measurement of pollen clump release and breakup in the vicinity of ragweed (A. confertiflora) staminate flowers. Ecosphere 3(7): 65.

van Hout, R., Katz, J., 2011. Measurements of mean flow and turbulence characteristics in high-Reynolds number counter-rotating Taylor-Couette flow. Physics of Fluids 23, 105102-1 to 11.

Sabban, L., van Hout, R., 2011. Measurements of pollen grain dispersal in still air and stationary, near homogeneous, isotropic turbulence. J. Aeros. Sci. 42, 867-882.

van Hout R., 2010. Time resolved PIV measurements of the interaction of polystyrene beads with near-wall coherent structures in a turbulent channel flow. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 37, 346-357.

van Hout R., Krakovich A., Gottlieb O., 2010: Time resolved measurements of vortex-induced vibrations of a tethered sphere in uniform flow.Physics of Fluids 22, Vol. 8.

van Hout R, Chamecki M, Brush G, Katz J, Parlange M B, 2008: The influence of local meteorological conditions on the circadian rhythm of corn (Zea mays L.) pollen emission. Agric. For. Meteorol. 148, 1078-1092.

Yue W, Parlange M, Meneveau C, Zhu W, van Hout R, Katz J, 2007: Large eddy simulation study of turbulence structures within and above a corn canopy, using field- and plantscale representations. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 124, 183-203.

Zhu W, van Hout R, Katz J, 2007: PIV measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer within and above a mature corn canopy; Part II: Quadrant-Hole analysis. J. Atmos. Sci. 64, 2825-2838.

van Hout R, Zhu W, Luznik L, Katz J, *Kleissl J, Parlange M, 2007: PIV measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer within and above a mature corn canopy; Part I: Statistics and energy flux. J. Atmos. Sci. 64, 2805-2824.

Yue W, Meneveau C, Parlange M, Zhu W, van Hout R, Katz J, 2007: A comparative quadrant analysis of turbulence in a plant canopy. Water Resour. Res. 43, W05422,

Chamecki M, van Hout R, Meneveau C, Parlange MB, 2007: Concentration profiles of particles in the neutral and stratified atmospheric boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 125, 25-38.

Zhu W, van Hout R, Katz J, 2007: On the Flow Structure and Turbulence during Sweep and Ejection Events in a Windtunnel Model Canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 124, 205-233.

Zhu W, van Hout R, Luznik L, Kang HS, Katz J, Meneveau C, 2006. A Comparison of PIV Measurements of Canopy Turbulence Performed in the Field and in a Wind Tunnel Model. Experiments in Fluids 41, 309-318.

van Hout R, Katz J, 2004: A method for measuring the density of irregularly shaped biological aerosols such as pollen. J. Aeros. Sci. 35, 1369-1384.

van Hout, R, Barnea D, Shemer L, 2003: Evolution of hydrodynamic and statistical parameters of gas-liquid slug flow along inclined pipes. Chem. Eng. Sci. 58, 115-133.

van Hout R, 2002: Unsteady flow phenomena: Implications on the design of experimental facilities. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 28, 1581-1588.

van Hout R, Barnea D, Shemer L, 2002: Translational velocities of elongated bubbles in continuous slug flow. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 28, 1333-1350.

van Hout R, Gulitski A, Barnea D, Shemer L, 2002: Experimental investigation of the velocity field induced by a Taylor bubble rising in stagnant water. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 28, 579-596.

van Hout R, Barnea D, Shemer L, 2001: Evolution of statistical parameters of gas-liquid slug flow along vertical pipes. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 27, 1579-1602.

van Hout R, Shemer L, Barnea D, 1992: Spatial distribution of void fraction within the liquid slug and some other related slug parameters. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 18, 831-845.